Modern Senior Secondary Information and Communication Technology Module E: Social Implications (Compulsory Part)
作者:Mui Chi Man, Poon Ka Hing, Yip Lai Sim ISBN:978-988-8800-97-1 重量:280g 頁數:108 特色 / 內容介紹:
- This series of textbooks is written on the basis of the Information and Communication Technology Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 46) (2021). The well-structured series actively connects knowledge with students’ real-life experiences and acquired skills.
- Each topic is divided into chapters, and each chapter is designed to be delivered within the duration of one lesson.
- The series is one of the subjects under the Technology Education Key Learning
Area in the Senior Secondary Curriculum Guide.
- The series is designed to develop students’ positive attitude towards the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and equips them with the essential skills to tackle problems.
- The series aims to promote students’ information literacy, which highlights that ethical use of ICT is as important as effectiveness. Students are invited to critically analyse the credibility and authenticity of information. They are prepared to be aware that network security is significant to both individuals and the whole community.
- The series puts emphasis on promoting students’ thinking. The ‘activities’, which are called ‘task details’ in Module D, are designed to motivate students to inquire, research and solve problems. Their ability to think, solve problems, integrate and apply knowledge is thus enhanced.